Workshop YOU NAME IT #1

 During this workshop we are going to Imagine, customize, shape and play with YOU NAME IT #1
It is a circa two hours workshop where kids and adults build something together having fun.

YOU NAME IT #1 it is a customizable and foldable bag for kids. It has been designed to complement play and use in a way that boys and girls get more out of it than just having fun: It encourages imagination and creativity, concentration, fine motor skills, symbolic play. Kids learn that they can make things for themselves that are useful.
One thing I had in mind when I was designing this piece was the chance to customize over and over again, using materials that allow been removed without damaging the surface, like stickers or tapes. I know how kids love to try different options and change idea every ten minutes and I just thought that would be nice to design something that follows their energy.
If you and your kids enjoy Crafts, it is a pretty nice activity to do together.

